20 june 2000

why i am posting
Hey...i have to explain a few things.. Firstly...i have no life other than music so as i'm on vacation..my miserable social life is revealing itself to you all via my frequent posts. But believe me...when the tour starts i will not be posting this much... I think i'd drop dead from no sleep. Isn't it strange how you can lose yourself for hours on the net..? I'm constantly on the starwars page. Anyway..just wanted to explain that i am posting here on this site because it's my site...this is the official band site..we own it and with the help of dbc and carla..we operate it. I still love/dig/appreciate the sony site... I mean..come on!! It's our record company!! And all of this net interest in the band was nurtured and flourished there at the sony site. But there you have the reason for this site. That site is owned and operated by the record company. This is owned and operated by the band. What is the difference between a record company site and the band's own site? Not a lot...just more of a personal touch. Personal input. Me posting here. Makes it more personal. I feel welcome and i feel that as we started it for you and with you..i am kind of a part of this community. Obviously i don't particpate in your conversations and that is why me or leo don't respond to you individually because (apart from taking up all day) it would defeat the purpose. These are your words. I just like having the opportunity to pop in an ramble about nothing. ...i guess what i really wanted to say tonight is that i urge you all..please to enjoy this site and/or the sony site. There seems to be confusion about the where/why/how of having two sites and really that is not our intention. Honeslty...i was trying to have one bbs linked to both sites but it was just not possible. I knew it was going to freak everyone out by having two...so oringinally intended to move it here.. As it was not possible... I obviously didn't want to offer you a brand new site without a bbs...hence this one. But carla still moderates both boards so understand i have no motive to encourage you to be here or there other that the fact that it makes me happy to give fans more of what they want. This is not trl. There are no prizes for the most hits..no votes for the most members of this new site. Either way..if you're on the net looking up sites on our band i thank you in the same way i do for being into the music or coming to the shows. It all adds up to the same thing...we all have something in common. This band.

so please don't feel divided. Do what makes you happy. This is totally coming from a place of goodness. I really would encourage this bbs to be one of positivity. There are people dying of starvation. It makes some of our problems in our lives seem pretty small doesn't it? With our music..and everything i do...i have the same intention. I want to inspire. I want to entertain. I want to lift you up and take you away from your problems. I'm not interested in popularity contests..i don't care if this board has a million posts today and tomorrow they are all at the sony board... It's all the same thing. I'm still reaching you. You're still connecting through the music and eachother. I 'm just posting here because i can.
And there's a bright blue little thingy that says my name. Hehe.
It's making me happy that you're happy so please just have fun.
I'm giving this much now as a sign of welcome.

i really don't get inloved in the petty nitty gritty and honestly..usually avoid negativity at all costs. So generally if i'm lurking (and believe me i really normally don't have time to do that a lot..) I rarely read the arguments.
I like the stories about how music brings you together..or is the soundtrack to your life. I like hearing how this dream of ours inspires you all to reach out and connect with each other. It's so special. How many friends have you made on here? It's incredible.
That's the important stuff.

so whether you hang here...or there...it's no biggie. Just...please..enjoy yourself.
I personally have to say a huge thankyou to carla. She is such an incredible help and so kind and patient!!! God bless you.
Thanks also to mark at sony for a killer site...and and the community there and here. We all rock!!! Errr..pop.
Aaaahhh...that feels so cool.

ooh...now can i finally say...honeslty...to people like dyan who are always worried about my reactions... I'm not that uptight. I think you're funny. I really don't read a lot of posts...but when i do...i gotta tell you..unless it's unecessarily nasty...i find it all so amusing. Gawd.. I mean why not have fun? I honestly am so not as serious as you might think. All i ever really want is to avoid my family or relationships being the subject of publicity because they are not famous or choose to be. I really do try hard to have a private life and a public life. But that doesn't mean i want to be treated like mother theresa. The reason i really don't read a lot of gossipy stuff on here is that i want you to feel like you can have a laugh without big brother watching. That's part of the reason i never really posted on the sony board. And you know..when pm's finally arrive here (!!!!!! Purleeease..the fans are going to kill me!!) I'm sure you guys can say absolutely anything you want to each other without fear of censorship.
I really am happy.

i'm in a stage in my life where i'm just understanding that tension...friction...arguments...they're kind of a real waste of energy. I just smile. Let go. It's all gooooood!

this site is just more from us.. It's not meant to take over anything. If you like it here...fantatic!!! The whole reason for it's existence is to be able to have a direct link to our net fans and to have a little more creative control of the content. I love the sony site. I used to feel really bad for them when i'd read complaints about the lack of info etc...because generally they work their @#$#'s off. They just have a few hundred bands to attend to so sometimes it's a little more difficult. Here...i've only got one band so it's a little easier for us to drop you a line about sudden changes in the schedule...or concerts dates etc. I'm sure someone at dbc will eventually do something to annoy you... It's life. I mean..when the background color of the message board whips you into a rage because you hate it...just remember ...someone out there in the world has more serious problems to attend to right now...like finding the next meal. Little children are finding adult like strength to battle cancer. We here in internet land are doing ok i think. As a band..i really feel that we are...as i say often... Just hired clowns paid to entertain you. Sometimes we will succeed. And sometimes we will suck.
But our heart is always in the right place.

I love this site. It's not intended to replace anything. It's just a different perspective. It's just more folks. Choices. Channel surf i say.


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