August 21, 1997

Hey all...sorry we havent written for a while..we have been hanging out for a few days in Australia. It is great to be home! What can I tell you? We are just about to get ready for another trip to America to shoot the video for TRULY MADLY DEEPLY. After that we hang in Europe for a a festival in Germany then come home for the Aria Awards where we are performing. Then we head back overseas for Asian promotion.... which leads us up to the end of October... PHEW!
Anyway...whay can I say..? We are currently recording two brand new songs for bounus tracks on our new Australian single..(stay tuned for what it is! A surprise!). Also really getting into guitars. Daniel has immersed himself in guitar technology and I myself just bought one and intend to learn (dont expect much on our first world tour! But give me a year or so!!)
Um..well..what can I say?? Lots of EXCITING things will just have to wait until around the 23rd of September to hear all of our crazy ideas for the future..but I can say it involves a savage garden concert somewhere near YOU!
Talk soon..Darren
By the way...if you are wondering what happened to the Sony Message Board..we wiped it because it was full of gossip and untruths. Apparently someone named PANDORA has been claiming she know me/us and has fooled quite a few people into believing her. For your info..she is indeed a fake. We do not know this person and her claims are totally false. Lots of people have impersonated Daniel and I ..but believe me..we dont go to the message board. It has been removed and will be replaced by something like this..just messages from Daniel and I to you.
See you!
Love Darren

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