September 8 1998

It's over. 8 months and 85 shows later here we are on a plane back to real life. I am so exhausted as I type this....and really unsure as to how it all feels. I am going to go back for you...a few weeks to catch up on everything that lead up to this final moment of reflection. I remember telling you in my last update that we were in New York for a "secret" gig....well I can tell you now it was for the Elite Modelling agency Look competition...and we performed at this club in Manhattan called Life. It is one of those velvet rope deals..and to be honest..I had never been in until that night. We performed a very short set in front of a room full of beautiful women..and famous people. Jerry Seinfeld was there... Apparently he offered to meet us when we had sold 12 million albums as opposed to the 8 million that we actually have. Haha. Thanks for the homework Mr. Seinfeld. Afterwards he hung out in the same foofy area with us..smoking cigars, flanked by burly security guards. Anna said hi. I was too busy working out how to sell 4 more million albums.

Our set was GREAT...some people say one of the best we have played because of it's simplicity and audacity. We just PLAYED...didn't really give a damn...and it paid off. We headed off .... back to the rest of the tour...but soon ended up back in planet Manhattan (that's what Motley our lighting designer calls it is like no other place on earth) after our Boston gig (very pretty btw..nice venue) to play the Beacon Theatre. What an experience THAT was.
Madonna attended. Rod Stewart was there with wife and kids. We were sold out. Need I say there was a little tension in the air. But it turned out to be such a powerful show...such an energy to it. Probably because of the whole Madonna vibe. Thing is...Billie Myers had heard me singing "Ray of Light" at soundcheck..and told Madonna and friends that we do it well. The day of our show we get a phone call from executives asking where in our show it is performed as Madonna is possibly coming along to have a look. Of course we freaked out...of course we immediately added it to our show even though we have never performed it as a band!!

So Madonna did attend..and from all accounts..was standing and grooving with the rest of them..and had a smile on her face.. What more can you say? Very VERY surreal moment..performing in front of someone who inspired me to be here. Did someone say OH MY GOD???

So the next day was our end of tour party..even though we had two more shows to do...where better to celebrate than NYC? It was in this place called Lot 61 in Chelsea...and we had a blast. It was actually very emotional and I think that is when it really hit me that this was all coming to a close.

The next day we left for Cleveland...had a great show...and then prepared for our last gig in Kentucky. All sorts of mad and weird stuff went on that day. Last shows are traditionally weird everyone feels kinda depressed but exhausted and practical jokes are happening everywhere.

Some of the craziness?? Billie Myers appeared on stage during our All around me routine on the shoulders of our road crew dressed in her best Scary Spice outfit screaming SPICE UP YOUR LIFE. She then proceeded to spray us with Silly String (that shaving cream gunk..). Very funny!! We almost couldn't do the song.
Members of our band were seen doing all sorts of weird kissing each other...wearing each other's costumes..and hamming it up. We managed to drag every crew member on stage or under a spotlight during the band intro...and someone painted the words WE'LL MISS YOU on the drum riser.

During the encore...we sang ONE OF US..and got a bit choked up as I dedicated it to Chuck..our sound assistant who's Grandchild is going in for an operation soon. I asked the crowd to say a prayer for him and that's when it really hit me that the tour was over. Not just the tour either..but this album...this stage of our lives. Like graduating from High School this felt like a real ending...and the beginning of a future somewhere out there.

After the show...we all ended up on Billie's bus...disco dancing and acting like complete morons. Had a blast.

I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to each and every one of you...for giving us this incredible experience..for listening to the music....for understanding it..for coming out in droves to see our circus when it came to your town. This is a thank you to you..the fans of the music...and our colleagues...the Savage Garden Band..and Crew...It has been the most humbling experience to have know you....I feel like a better man for having been through this all with you.

This is a farewell of sorts...for a long time. We have to take some much needed rest...get our thoughts together and try and remember what real life is about for a little while. Before you know it...we will be in the studio...working on more magic. Until then...we are going to go away until we have something thoughtful to say.
Thanks for the memories.
See you in THE FUTURE.....


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