28 may 2003
hey Tracey
Tracey: Hey em
Ginger: is this really Darren?
Maggz: ohh hi all
obi1K: lol
Robo_Wally: Runs to maggz!
Tracey: Hey maggz
Minty: Hey Tracey.. thanks for your emails.
Maggz: hi tracey
Darren Hayes: Yeah that's right.. it's my chat room and I'm not a afraid
to be in it!
Minty: Good on ya
Maggz: havent thought up a suitable nickname for darren
bug_face_uk: lol
bug_face_uk: Daggles
Maggz: going to be boring and just say hi darren
bug_face_uk: Diggles?
Darren Hayes: Actually I am kind of afraid.. just testing it so I could work
out if it does work..
obi1K: well... I don't bite, I'm veggie
Maggz: i thought daggles BUT a dag isnt too complementary in australia
Darren Hayes: oops I just swore in a pm to my sister
bug_face_uk: True!
Darren Hayes: is that allowed?
Minty: yeah you can swear in PMs
Maggz: lol
bug_face_uk: Yes but not in the main chat
Ginger: So is the chat at 1pm Darren time?
obi1K: no.. it's not.. respect your sista
bug_face_uk: Robo_Wally will kick you
Darren Hayes: I'd like to send a pm to myself
bug_face_uk: You can
Maggz: lol!
Minty: LOL... obsessed.
bug_face_uk: Honestly some people
Darren Hayes: what a great program..I love it
Darren Hayes: poo
obi1K: ouch
Minty: Do you like the piccie of yourself?
bug_face_uk: That's allowed!
Darren Hayes: just testing
Darren Hayes: bum
obi1K: lol
Darren Hayes: cool
obi1K: Darren shouldn't u sleep at this time???
Maggz: just going to say thanks darren for the maggles nickname... several
people have adopted it
bug_face_uk: Hell the whole family has adopted... Even my mother
obi1K: lol
Maggz: yeah great
Darren Hayes: bug told me to try arse
Robo_Wally: Tut, tut, darren hayes, why not use "botty-buffer"
jessebabes: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone jessebabes!
Minty: LMAO
Darren Hayes: i mean.. typing it..
Robo_Wally: lmtno
obi1K: lol
Darren Hayes: hehe
jessebabes: hello people
Darren Hayes: botty fluffer?
jessebabes: huh
bug_face_uk: I think a botty fluffer is something else entirely
obi1K: hello jesse
Minty: I dont think I want to know what a botty fluffer is
jessebabes: i'm confused
Maggz: bum candyfloss
Minty: I accidentally got booted twice yesterday for using not very naughty
Spinner: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone Spinner!
Minty: That dog is tough.
jessebabes: hello spinner
Robo_Wally: When the music feels like this
Spinner: Bite me Wal
Darren Hayes: So my dog has a distorted self image.. he thinks he's a big
dog.. I think because we spoil him so much.. so when we go to the dog park he
wants to hang out with the HUGE ones.. and they think he's a twerp.. he has no
bug_face_uk: lol
obi1K: what's a twerp?
Maggz: he looks pretty big for a cocker spaniel
Minty: ah well... at least he doesnt have low self esteem
bug_face_uk: I think the fans are in shock
Ginger: is Darren going to answer practice questions like last time?
obi1K: ask him directly.. LOL
Ginger: Darren, are u going to answer any practice questions tonight?
bug_face_uk: Any "hair" questions will result in a ban
Maggz: lol
obi1K: lol
Tracey: LOL
Maggz: or g string ones
Minty: good one bug
bug_face_uk: easy tiger
obi1K: even if he's not the one having probs. with hair.. LOL
Maggz: we all get those days em
Minty: I had my hair straight for two days and ppl thought it changed my
personality.. go figure
Darren Hayes: Has left the chat
obi1K: ah yes... u can bet it
Maggz: and he goes.
bug_face_uk: See, I knew we shouldn't have talked about hair!
Minty: LOL
Spinner: LMAO
jessebabes: OMG
obi1K: neither said goodbye
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Spinner: Shud it Wal
Spinner: too late
obi1K: lol
Part Two · He·s Back!
bug_face_uk: Spinner... We don't want to know!
Darren Hayes: I'm on a wireless laptop in my nook in my house.. so sometimes
it disconnects.. but on Saturday I'll make sure I"m on a real computer
bug_face_uk: lol, I have that problem with wireless
Maggz: that would be.... good.
obi1K: ouch
obi1K: no good
bug_face_uk: It almost works
Spinner: hehe well TOUGH Bugman
Darren Hayes: gotcha
Maggz: we've given up on trying to watch movies on it
bug_face_uk: Yup, it stops just as it gets interesting
Ginger: Darren, are u going to answer any questions tonight?
Cherish: I need me a laptop :D
Minty: I have a very heavy laptop...
obi1K: i am lucky if my bronty works.. LOL
jessebabes: i am on a laptop
Robo_Wally: skids over to Darren
Spinner: Ya need a "rex" ema
Darren Hayes: Hit me.. ask me a q.. like I said before (maybe it got lost
in the disconnection) if I hate a question I'll just pretend I had to go to the
obi1K: lol
Darren Hayes: haha
Cherish: Mum just got a new plasma screen thingy at work...she doesn't
know how to use it though...
Maggz: lol
Spinner: *whack*
bug_face_uk: Now there was me thinking the mac user would pick a text colour
Maggz: or that wally had to go to the loo
Ginger: Darren, you've mentioned that musically, you feel like you've just
scratched the surface and you have so much more you want to express. Yet, you
have also mentioned that you really want to settle down and have children. When
you do have children, how do you plan on juggling having a very demanding career
and being a father? Will you take time off for a few years?
Cherish: wow, that's long!! lol
Minty: Holy moly.. that's a question!
bug_face_uk: Blimey!
Darren Hayes: wow that's a q!
obi1K: wow..
Darren Hayes: um I'm sure I'd just take the little monkey with me
Cherish: lmao
Ginger: Thats the questiom I've had since october last year that never
got chosen to be answered
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Maggz: well its been answered now
Ginger: So, no time off for you Darren?
obi1K: lol
Minty: I have a question that didn't get asked.. but it might be a toughie...
If the whole world stopped to listen to you for five minutes, what would you say?
Darren Hayes: Right now all I'm really concerned with is making art. That
probably sounds weird..but it's true.. I just want to make music that is real
and that comes from an emotional place so that's my goal atm
jessebabes: Darren, what have you been up to lately?
Ginger: That was my question I was going to ask on Saturday, Guess I have
to think of another one now.
obi1K: can't believe I have no questions? LOL
Maggz: looking forward to hearing it.
Darren Hayes: minty? I'd say that we need to ban all guns..that we shouldn't
need passports and that we should all love each other more..
Ginger: Thanks Darren
Darren Hayes: how
obi1K: good
Darren Hayes: is that? what would you say?
Maggz: that would be nice
Cherish: <---- mind has gone blank... I believe that's your influence
Minty: Great answer... *happy sigh*
Darren Hayes: good question
Minty: Oh, and did you like the Minties from me?
obi1K: well... talking about music... what do u think of Daniel Bedingfield
"If you're not the one"???
Minty: heehee
bug_face_uk: ace song
obi1K: and Evanescence????
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to obi1k!
Ginger: Will this chat transcript be posted?
bug_face_uk: I am recording it, but I will check with the bosses first
Darren Hayes: I LOVE THAT SONG
Maggz: oohh d can i recommend a band for you to see in san fran
obi1K: I DO TOO!!!!!! are u yelling??? LOK
Darren Hayes: sure maggles
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to obi1k!
obi1K: LOL
bug_face_uk: lmao!
Maggz: Feeder
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Cherish: oh that's what I meant to say!! Thanks Darren for signing my Converse
last I think I was too choked up to say thanks
Maggz: they are playing there soon..
obi1K: you should listen to Evanescence's album.. the singer's voice is
Minty: LMAO
obi1K: LOL
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Maggz: lol
Tracey: LMAO
bug_face_uk: lmfao!
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Maggz: hes the poor mans darren hayes
jessebabes: Darren!! How is your guitar practice coming along?
bug_face_uk: There is one other on he album
Minty: How many chords do you know now?
obi1K: I heard Bono singing Ave Maria at the Pavarotti and Friends concert..
he was amazing
Darren Hayes: It's ok.. helped me write songs.. I find piano easier to
obi1K: and sang in italian
Ginger: Darren, are u finished your screen writing class? How did you do?
I heard that u were the best in your class.
obi1K: I love HONEST QUESTIONS sounds like SPEECHLESS by MJ
Maggz: are you writing all the songs on your own for this one?
Darren Hayes: well I write alot on the piano now.. so I know them all..
I use a chord chart.. or I go online to find out cool inversions of chords.. it's
given me a lot of freedom with my music just having that knowledge you know?
bug_face_uk: Or is your mum helping you?
jessebabes: Do you think you'll do another tour?
Darren Hayes: No maggz.. some on my own.. some with others
Cherish: so the album's going to be... what's the word... less electronic,
more instruments?
Maggz: thanks
Darren Hayes: But don't expect me to play a lot on tour.. I find it very
difficult.. but very useful to write..
obi1K: Darren.. if Pavarotti would invite you again to his concert.. would
u accept that???
obi1K: please.. say u do cuz ppl are still in an awe for O SOLE MIO!
Darren Hayes: Now why would I go and spoil it by telling you.. and really
what kind of artist makes music to order? That's boring..
Minty: *whispers* I like acoustic....
Minty: Cos you have the voice to carry it.
bug_face_uk: What do you think of American Idol? Did Clay frighten you?
Maggz: URghgh good question bug
bug_face_uk: *Barry Mannilow's love child, that's clay*
*darrenstoes*: Joins the chat
Darren Hayes: I'd hate to think I could influence the next u2 record..
I want bono and the boys to do whatever makes them happy.. so I apply the same
rules to me..
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone *darrenstoes*!
Cherish: Darren... if you did another tour, would you do a theatre tour
again, or experiment with arenas?
jessebabes: Darren what do you think of Daniel Radcliffe from Harry Potter?
Elle: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone Elle!
obi1K: well... Darren.. u're doing good here! LOL
Personal Message sent
Minty: Yep, you're the sweetest, Darren.
Maggz: ohh dear i think have a poopy nappy alert.. baby bug says hi
Darren Hayes: I don't really watch american idol i have to say.. but I've
seen clay and I think he has a nice voice..
obi1K: And you should be really proud of your sis and TJ cuz their work
in here is GREAT!!!
*darrenstoes*: erm i dont know if i can talk on here, but what was your
fave bit of the UK leg of the tour?
Darren Hayes: I don't think you can experiment with arenas until you can
sell those kinds of tickets!!
*darrenstoes*: ooops hello Darren!
Minty: oh yeah thats fore sure... go TJT!
Darren Hayes: I love the uk.. full stop.. so the whole tour rocked as far
as I'm concerned
Cherish: awww, you so could!! you'd sell out arenas like *clicks* that
*darrenstoes*: *second Emas comment!*
*darrenstoes*: yep it did for me too. it was the best year of my life..
its been such fun.
obi1K: cheryl... it seems u can.. LOL
todariamu: Joins the chat
Darren Hayes: I love by big sis...she knows it
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone todariamu!
obi1K: she's amazing!
todariamu: hello
*darrenstoes*: lol seems so
obi1K: hello tammy
*darrenstoes*: lol, shes a legend!!!!!
todariamu: hey ema!!
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to *darrenstoes*!
bug_face_uk: Dark Crystal is out on DVD soon you know
Minty: Tracey ROCKS!
Cherish: Darren...I have no idea why I wanna ask this, but what's your
ringtone on your mobile? lol
Darren Hayes: it's this cool new age tone.. I have a samsung color
one so it's pretty cool
bug_face_uk: Polyphonic?
*darrenstoes*: oo is that a photo one?
Cherish: oh I'm so jealous I got a Nokia...TTMAB tone...lmao
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Minty: Does you get embarrassed if it rings in a public place?
obi1K: do u take pics with ur mobile or is it a simple one?
jessebabes: Have you seen any of the Harry Potter films?
Darren Hayes: Bug... I totally have the dark cyrstal...
Darren Hayes: I don't have a camera on my phone.. I hate them actually...
Cherish: Dark Crystal gave me nightmares when I was a kid argh
Darren Hayes: I'm so bad with technology..
Darren Hayes: yes I do minty
*darrenstoes*: LOL!
obi1K: pfuiii.... finally someone saying something true about them.. LOL
todariamu: i have sr ringtone
*darrenstoes*: yeah they are ok unless someone else has the same kind of
obi1K: I don't get why taking pics with the mobile.. LOL
Darren Hayes: yeah I saw the harry potter films.. liked em.. liked
obi1K: a camera is better
Maggz: havent seen that one.. yet
obi1K: Awwww... I wanna see that movie
Minty: What's your fave musical?
bug_face_uk: It's so you don't have to shout "I'M IN A LIBRARY, A
LIBRARY" done your mobile
jessebabes: cool
obi1K: with Ewan!!!!!!!!
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to obi1k!
Elle: what the weather like Darren. its sunny here in the uk
Maggz: we watched Enough last night with Jlo
Minty: LOL Bug
Darren Hayes: could you imagine if I had my own songs as a ringtone..
how sad!
Minty: Um yeah.
obi1K: I saw Matrix Reloaded yesterday and confused me.. LOL
Cherish: lmao!!
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Darren Hayes:'s so beautiful... balmy
Cherish: self promotion, anyway...
Darren Hayes: I love matrix
Elle: aww thats great
obi1K: well Darren.. it might be a way to promote ur self.. LOL
bug_face_uk: Matrix rocks
todariamu: it has been raining here all day
Cherish: though the IMY tone sounds nothing like
bug_face_uk: "I know Kung-fu"
obi1K: too many special effects thou'
Minty: My cuz did the post production editting... heehee
Cherish: I haven't seen Reloaded...gah
Maggz: *yawns at Matrix*
obi1K: I just loved the final scene where keanu saved his girl massaging
her heart
Spinner: Never too many Em
bug_face_uk: lol @ Maggz, bless her she stayed awake to watch it with me
obi1K: lol spinny
Robo_Wally: When the music feels like this
bug_face_uk: That should be
Elle: i have a pirate still yet to wtach it
Cherish: I still haven't seen X-2!! I'm so slow these days
*darrenstoes*: omg its brilaint Cherish!!!
*darrenstoes*: you gotta go see it!
todariamu: have you finished your course?
bug_face_uk: OK, Darren, what do you think about music downloads? The death
of the industry, or should the industry get involved and evolve?
Ginger: Darren, are u finished your screenwriting course?
Cherish: I'll take your word for that, I'm a huge X-Men fan
Spinner: complete with patch Elle
Cherish: why did I just admit that?
Minty: Writing is my life.
Darren Hayes: yep finished my course.. loved it
*darrenstoes*: omg wolverine!!!!!
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to *darrenstoes*!
*darrenstoes*: oo did you pass Darren?
Elle: oh yes spinner lol
Robo_Wally: When the music feels like this
obi1K: honestly I am waiting to see Ewan's new movies but they haven't
been released yet here
Cherish: Darren.... my Mum wants to know what you think of Bruce
Darren Hayes: did I pass! please...!
Minty: LOL
*darrenstoes*: lol ooops!!!! :P
obi1K: Roflmao
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to *darrenstoes*!
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Darren Hayes: love bruce.. i'm on fire is one of my fave songs ever
Ginger: Are there any other university courses you would like to take in
the future Darren?
Minty: What kinds of screenplays have you been writing?
obi1K: that means u did not??? LOL
Minty: What genre?
*darrenstoes*: This years total embarrasements go to Darrenstoes LOL
Darren Hayes: i'd like to learn italian
Darren Hayes: I'd like to study voice
bug_face_uk: *cue Ema fainting*
obi1K: Darren.. I can teach ya
Elle: aww hugs da toes
Minty: heehee re: Ema
Darren Hayes: but you know.. time..
*darrenstoes*: yeah Darren, shes teaching me!
Maggz: What did you think of Madonnas album?
obi1K: well.. I'm free .. LOL
Darren Hayes: sweeeet
Cherish: I only know English and French... and er...Ewok lmao
portiaone: Joins the chat
obi1K: or maybe ur sis can give ya lessons
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone portiaone!
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow!
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: Hi!
Elle: hi twitchy
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone Intellectual Breeze (Jen)!
Darren Hayes: I"m obsessed with maddy's new record especially
nothing fails
obi1K: she's learning it fine
Minty: Have you ever had Reiki performed on you?
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): *waves* to wally.hehe
Robo_Wally: *waves* back
portiaone: Hello everyone
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: is.. is that really darren!?
Darren Hayes: yes minty angi bekker is a qualified practicioner
Robo_Wally: Wags tail at portiaone!
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: :P
bug_face_uk: Yup
Cherish: lmao
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): Hi ya port, how are you?
Elle: hi portiaone
Spinner: Hiya Snorty
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): twitchy..hi ya
bug_face_uk: The talent is in the building
obi1K: lol
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): oh ur so modest
Darren Hayes: awright I'm gonna have to go to sleep soon!
Spinner: Thanks Bugman
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): love the new chat bug
Cherish: awww
Elle: bye darren *waves*
*darrenstoes*: oo what time is it there?
Ginger: Darren, how close were you to completing your education degree?
portiaone: Hi Jen I'm fine thank you *glares at Spinner*
Robo_Wally: *waves* back
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): lol @ spinner
Robo_Wally: When the music feels like this
obi1K: Darren.. do u paint or draw or do anything artistic beside singing???
Chicquita4dh: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone Chicquita4dh!
jessebabes: sleep well darren
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: *is speechless*
bug_face_uk: Glad you like it Jen
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: a first!
Darren Hayes: I have painted. but no writing and music are pretty
much it.
Chicquita4dh: g'morning
todariamu: have a great nights sleep darren
Minty: It's very pretty, bug.
Elle: mornin mickie
obi1K: okdok... thanks
Minty: and lots of different purples so I'm happy
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): morning are you?
Chicquita4dh: morning elle
Cherish: Can I have a hug Darren? lol...might as well ask
bug_face_uk: Well I saw it on the Mac I thought I had to give PC users
something *almost* as pretty
obi1K: if u're heading to bed... sweet dreams
*darrenstoes*: awwwwwwww
Chicquita4dh: hiya jen fine huny,
Darren Hayes: ewww.. I hate all that online affection stuff....sorry!
Cherish: rotfl
Minty: What advice can you give me when I have a four week deadline to
finish my musical before auditions?
Minty: argh
*darrenstoes*: dio ti benidicta
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: Sorry back
Cherish: well NOW I feel loved!! lol
Chicquita4dh: hiya darren, bleurgh to you too, lol
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: brothers sticking a glove on my dogs head
todariamu: lmao!! sorry daren!!
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): Ok..been dying to ask Darren if
i have been quoted as saying that vegemite tastes like scraping the
bottom on a bird cage?? on earth do u get that comparison?..
obi1K: well... a cyber hug is better than no hug at all
obi1K: u know
Darren Hayes: I can't ever do that 'refers to self in the third
person' thing either.. you can tell how little I chat!
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): haha true obi so true
Minty: Just takes practice, D
Darren Hayes: yup.. I hear ya obi.. but it just aint my style!!!
Darren Hayes: hehe
obi1K: ok... Ema..
*darrenstoes*: lol!!!
Darren Hayes: eww..
*darrenstoes*: how is Wally now?
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: im supopsed to be studying
jessebabes: darren please say hi to my mum she`s just come in her name`s
Darren Hayes: wally is my baby boy i love him..
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: thanks darren!
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): Toessssssssssssssssss
obi1K: well.. u know.. having the chance.. one person would hug u live..
Darren Hayes: g'day fran
Maggz: wallys a cutie
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): get back to it
Cherish: ewww to ya
Sage iMac: Howdee.. back again
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: NOOOOOOO
*darrenstoes*: aww thats great. ive got two kitties and i love them too.
they are so like babies arnt they
*vegemite*: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone *vegemite*!
Maggz: have you bought any dog outfits for him darren?
Ginger: Hi jen!
bug_face_uk: You are going to be kicking your self sage!
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): Hi ya ginger
*vegemite*: hey guys
Cherish: Darren.... what do you think of Spiderman? lol
melspice: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone melspice!
jessebabes: she didn`t faint this time LOL
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: Darren's more important then physhic
ScorpioRising: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone ScorpioRising!
Cherish: heya Jen :D
Chicquita4dh: so how come your herere this morbing, just warming up are
ya darren
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: *physics
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): LOL here's D favourite breakfast
spread........Jen 2 how are you?
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: cant even spell it
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: HA!
obi1K: wow.. ppl are coming..
Sage iMac: I've just been giving Lara her physio.
Sage iMac:
Darren Hayes: how's that?
*darrenstoes*: awwww
Cherish: awwww
Elle: aww thanks Darren
obi1K: thanks
todariamu: if you build it they will come!
Chicquita4dh: cheers
*vegemite*: oh geez, i am slow.. i only just realised darren was in here
haha hey darren lol
Cherish: I'm cool now?! first time for everything I guess...
*darrenstoes*: lol shes the cool one with sunnies huh??
Sage iMac: Btw, why upset Bug?
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: Actually Darren.. can you teach me physics?
Sage iMac: Oh hang on a minute...
Darren Hayes: I didn't do physics
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): lol vegemite..(Jen2) have u been sharing that
brain cell with tedster?..
Darren Hayes: I did chemistry
Cherish: I'm so telling all the popular kids that Darren Hayes said I was
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: you newtons laws of motion.. all that crap, lmao
Sage iMac: Faints...
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): lmao @ cherish
Sage iMac: Really????
obi1K: arghhh @ chemistry
Minty: Oh totally Cherish.. they'll be so impressed.
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to sage imac!
Ginger: Darren, how close were you to completing your education degree?
On term away?
obi1K: loved math but that... LOL
Ginger: One term
Tracy: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone Tracy!
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: I'm not into chemistry
BarbT: Joins the chat
obi1K: Tracyyyyyyyyyy
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone BarbT!
bug_face_uk: Hey Tracy... That cute brother in law of yours is here
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: I like genetics more
Minty: OOOH! I remembered what I want to know - Which performing arts college
were you accepted into?? WAPA? NIDA?
Sage iMac: Can I say howdee to him???
Tracey: Hey Trace!
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): haha with the right person ya will be twitch..haha
Cherish: *it's all about chemistry*
obi1K: lol
Tracy: Yes, I
bug_face_uk: It's in open chat so you can say what you like
*darrenstoes*: lol Cherish!!!!!
Cherish: I swear every time I hear the word chemistry I sing that song
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to *darrenstoes*!
Tracy: Hey Em
BarbT: Hey Sage
*darrenstoes*: hiya Tracy!!!
melspice: ok, i'm still hungover. did someone say Darren was in here?
Sage iMac: Howdee Darren from Tassie!!!
Tracy: Hi
obi1K: Darren do u wanna ask us a question instead of replying?
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): *stomps foot* Toes..*huge waves*
melspice: hi tracy!
todariamu: hey tracy!
*vegemite*: good idea ema
*darrenstoes*: oo sorry jen!!! oops!
Maggz: note the name Darren Hayes in the menu on the right
Cherish: Darren's in the corner *points*
*darrenstoes*: *waves to jen before the flattens me*
Tracy: Hi everyone
Robo_Wally: *waves* back
Spinner: There's an idea Em
Robo_Wally: Barks at tracy!
bug_face_uk: Maggz: That is the clue
Chicquita4dh: hiya
Cherish: ahem* the er...naughty corner :D
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): lol toes..tis ok..seems there
is a lil competition in the room at the
*darrenstoes*: aww cute paws wally!!!
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: My i just did a screamer through the house
Elle: hi tracy
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: and i went for a sixer
Spinner: Down Wal down
*darrenstoes*: lol, jen, i wonder why?
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: owwwwwwwwwwwwww
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): LOl - Toes
Sage iMac: Howdee Barb!!!!
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to sage imac!
Elle: lol at twitchy
Maggz: darren what do you think of the internet talk ie lol, lmfao
you use them at all?
obi1K: it's hard to formulate quessies... LOL
Chicquita4dh: so what ya got planned for today Darren, anything exciting??
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): Sage u r bringing in the awards
BarbT: Nice to see you Sage, hope all is well!!!
melspice: OMG! Darren...remind me not to shout when hungover!
Darren Hayes: ginger...the short story i I did a 3 year bachelor
degree... and would have been finished but decided in my 2nd year to do a 4 year
program..switched over and got a record deal ONE SUBJECT..not just a semester..
away from completing. Bascially I have one more prac to do and I'd have a degree..
but could you imagine me turning up for my final student teaching prac..? Probably
never going to happen.. but the reason I could teach is that in Australia.. if
you have 3 or more years of a degree you can work in preschool so thats what I
did for a little while..
Darren Hayes: phew
Sage iMac: Yeah! I'm doing well there.
*darrenstoes*: i am. i love to get awakrds
Cherish: nah, he uses that toe nail thing lol
Personal Message sent
Spinner: wow he's been typing roflmao
Cherish: type your fingers off there Darren? lol
Robo_Wally: lmtno
autumn: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone autumn!
obi1K: LOL
obi1K: good job!
*darrenstoes*: pity i cant type!!
Tracy: lol
Ginger: OMG! That was a long answer! Thanks Darren!
Chicquita4dh: lol, that was a mouthful, lol
Sage iMac: Darren if I beg, grovel and plead would you please sign my cover
to my iMac??
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): Oh so Darren is qualified to look
after children...I have a cute lil neice you can baby
Cherish: rotfl
obi1K: ok.. maybe he's missing the other Q
Darren Hayes: well I've always wanted to clear that up
BarbT: Hope the weather is better where you are than here Darren!
*darrenstoes*: no you dont wanna babysit that lil girlie.. lol jen says
she grows horns!!!
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: *is in agony*, lol
obi1K: Darren, do u wanna ask us a quaetion???
*vegemite*: weather is pretty dodgy here today too Barb
Minty: Which performing arts college did you get into? I heard something
about it and am curious.
obi1K: question even
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): BARBT...the weather isnt nice
Tracy: Hello
Tracy: .
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): It was a gorgeous day here today
BarbT: very cold
*darrenstoes*: yeah Darren , wanna ask us anything?
todariamu: thankyou darren for you have turned a really bad day good!
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): *waves hi tracy*
Sage iMac: Cold here too.
Robo_Wally: *waves* back
*darrenstoes*: aww tammy, and i thought i made your day
Teddy_Bear: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone Teddy_Bear!
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: DARREN, how do you feel about posters, and having
your face plastered on peoples walls? does it creep you out?
*darrenstoes*: yay tedsterrrrrrr
Elle: yo teddy
*vegemite*: hey Tedster
Nessie: Joins the chat
darrens_ep: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone Nessie!
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): Flufffffffffffff n Stuffffffffffffff
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone darrens_ep!
melspice: hi teddy!
Teddy_Bear: Hey what are we doing here?? lol
Cherish: Darren..... I know you've got a huge Star Wars collection....
do you have any of those cardboard cut out thingies?
Darren Hayes: um...twitch.. I don't really think about it.. but
it wouldn't creep me out..
Darren Hayes: maybe if I was dating them..
Teddy_Bear: OMG LMFAO
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): lmao...tedsterrrrrrrrrrrrr you
*vegemite*: lol
Robo_Wally: lmtno
*darrenstoes*: OMG!! lol!
bug_face_uk: lol
darrens_ep: OMG - is that really DARREN ????
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to darrens_ep!
BarbT: whose posters are on Darren's wall, lol?
Teddy_Bear: huh its not sunday yet is it?????
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to teddy_bear!
Sage iMac: good question Barb!
*darrenstoes*: awww poor beary!
Teddy_Bear: thanks wally
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): yeah its sunday ted...really it
is...its sunday
melspice: stop shouting autumn, i've got a headache!
Intellectual Breeze (Jen):
suzy h: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone suzy h!
Nessie: hello peeps!
*darrenstoes*: lol .. ted you musta overlaid! lol
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: Darren, how do you feel about people impersonating
your body parts *twitches*
Elle: hi nessie
autumn: Sorry i said i was in shook
Cherish: rotfl
Nessie: Hi Dazza
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): ROFL..twitch
ScorpioRising: Teddy a little confused? lol
obi1K: Darren.. what does Wally while u sing???
*vegemite*: lmao twitchy you're nuts
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: I AM NOT
jessebabes: darren have you ever been the victim of a stalker?
*darrenstoes*: wiggles the toes lol
Teddy_Bear: lol toes
Nessie: Darren, my Mum wants to know if she can babysit Wally next time
you go on tour...
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): lol toes
Darren Hayes: Wally loves being in the studio.. he sits at my feet..
and waits outside the door when I sing.. he's a studio dog for sure..
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: Im just simply asking a very pecular question
*darrenstoes*: well jen, it had to be done
Bron: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone Bron!
*vegemite*: darren, you dont really hate vegemite... do you lol my user
name is offended haha jk
Sage iMac: Darren have you got the new iTunes yet?
obi1K: LOL
Bron: hi all
Darren Hayes: hate vegimite.. ban it
Robo_Wally: Runs to bron!
obi1K: I thought he might sing with ya
*vegemite*: LOL thanks
Darren Hayes: course mac
*darrenstoes*: awww yeah..
Bron: lol
Cherish: Darren..... have you been on that Mummy Returns ride at Universal
Studios? 'cause it scared the hell outta me lol
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): lol are like something
that is scraped off the bottom of a bird cage...lmao
BarbT: no vegemite is cool!
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Darren Hayes: i spent a hundred bucks the first day
Nessie: thought so, too, ema
*vegemite*: thanks Jen hahah
melspice: marmite is better!
Darren Hayes: obi..what was your q?
Minty: Yeah my vege is the sweetest.. *hugs Jen*
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): hehe still wuvs ya though Jen
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: Tries again.. Darren, how do you feel about people
impersonating your body parts? *twitches*
*vegemite*: Heya Min *hugs*
Chicquita4dh: agrees with darren on that, it's yuk!!
*darrenstoes*: no its lubberly
obi1K: Darren.. my name is Ema.. I wondered if u wanted to ask us something...
autumn: Darrren u have just made my whole year,i was just crying yesterday
coz i couldn,t make saturday....
Darren Hayes: well that q doesn't really make sense twitch
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): awww chicquita...ill send you
some for ur birthday each year ok...hehe
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: Ok well read my uswrname
Nessie: Dazza, how's it going at uni?
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: then darrens toes username, lol
Minty: Favourite musical??
Darren Hayes: ema... I like obi... and yeah what do you guys think
of music at the moment?
autumn: question;r u missing us.
BarbT: mine is Grease Minty
Teddy_Bear: errrr why is it for once im speechless.. help
Darren's Pussycat: Joins the chat
*darrenstoes*: lol thanks Twitch!!! i gottta live with this name thanks
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone Darren's Pussycat!
*darrenstoes*: omg teds.. speeeeek!
todariamu: what is your favourite sandwich filling?
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: ermm theres also darren stiff thang
Minty: ooh nice Barb.
bug_face_uk: Too produced, too manufactured, but there is more than enough
talent out there and some of it makes it.
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: darrens big toe
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: darrens willy
obi1K: Well.. I think that we miss you.. LOL.. in every sense.. but there's
some good music going on but too much RAP
Teddy_Bear: trying toes lol
Darren's Pussycat: whats going on?
Cherish: Has left the chat
BarbT: very little music around I like atm Darren
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: ermm help me out here, lol
*vegemite*: music - at the moment - i am loving vanessa carlton's album
Minty: Yeah too much rap
Cherish: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone Cherish!
melspice: is there any other music than yours Darren?
BarbT: except Delta Goodrem
autumn: Has left the chat
Nessie: pink is great, I think
Cherish: oh well that was bracing
Teddy_Bear: going too fast for my little button eyes lol
jessebabes: there`s some good stuff like stereophonics
Cherish: lol
Bron: i'm with Barb
Cherish: Freeserve kicked me!!
Darren Hayes: well my new record has some rap on it..
Bron: love delta
Minty: I like music with melody... i like singing along
*darrenstoes*: aww beary
Darren Hayes: kidding
obi1K: and I don't like Ja Rule... sorry
Maggz: lol
*vegemite*: lol tedster i cant keep up either, u know me... dumb blondie
Chicquita4dh: cool,
Minty: good one D
Ginger: DLitty!
*darrenstoes*: aww thats a pity. i love rap!
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): rofl tedster *passes you some
Darren's Pussycat: ooops
Sage iMac: Music isn't as catchy as it used to be.. like the 80's etc.
bug_face_uk: Somehow I can't see Darren Hayes does Gangster Rap
autumn: Joins the chat
Cherish: thank God for that lol
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone autumn!
BarbT: ekkk rap
Teddy_Bear: LOL from one to another vege
obi1K: Dlitty...??? LOL
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): RAP???
Darren Hayes: no rap and no spanish but that's all i can reveal
obi1K: okdok
BarbT: and the 70's Sage
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): lmao barbt
Robo_Wally: lmtno
*darrenstoes*: hey how bout some Italian!!!
Cherish: Darren.... please.....NEVER do rap lol.... it's for your own good
and the good of humanity
obi1K: Barb.. you're soooo right!!!!
Teddy_Bear: ooooh loooves eminem style rap :P
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to obi1k!
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: What about electronica!?
*darrenstoes*: LOL sam!
*vegemite*: Rap?1 interesting... lol cant wait to hear that
obi1K: we need the 80s back
Sage iMac: Too young for the 70's barb! I'm a child of the 80's! lol!
*darrenstoes*: omg yeah ema we do
Darren Hayes: i hear you although. I've rapped before..
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): sheesh wally's working over time
Elle: i so agree ema
todariamu: i second that ema!!
todariamu: \
Nessie: What about that screenwriting course?
melspice: yeah, 1980's!
Spinner: Bet it's got Aussie on it
darrens_ep: Hey Rap is all about words too ...
BarbT: Has anyone heard the new Fleetwood Mac album?
Cherish: oh yeah, All Around Me... that's different!! lol
Cherish: that kicks ass
Tracey: Yes I have
Maggz: yes ive got the new fleetwood mac
*darrenstoes*: omg yeah.. thats so true. lol
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): hey where's that bear from the
80's...LOL...Its so croweded in here fluff n stuff....
Chicquita4dh: yeah i got that one Barb, it's really good
Darren Hayes: well that's kinda like maddy's rapping.. only i did
it first
Darren Hayes: haha
bug_face_uk: Lovely presentation on that album
Cherish: of course
obi1K: Darren, my friend sent me a SMS she met Bono yesterday and she wished
I was with her... he was really sweet and cool
*darrenstoes*: LOL!!! hmmm vogue!!!
Darren's Pussycat: Darren, hows Wally?
Maggz: yes is like a book rather than a cd
Teddy_Bear: I noticed Breezer... I saw maggz post and came in.. bit of
a shock
autumn: Darren what colour will your hair be when u return?
BarbT: girls bought the Aneiki album, that's really good
*darrenstoes*: awww beary. a hello is good ya know
Jenni-aka-The Pres: Joins the chat
Teddy_Bear: I know it isnt sunday.. sure about that now
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: I dont like rap.. its too quick.. and i end up
making up the words myself
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone Jenni-aka-The Pres!
Cherish: Darren......are you gonna sing different SG songs on the next
tour...none at all....the same ones..or?? lol
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): lol what post tedster?
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): lmao tedster
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: lmao, like i did when i first heard I want you
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Teddy_Bear: on the forum
*vegemite*: yeah i got the aneiki album too barb, i do enjoy that
Jenni-aka-The Pres: Maggz i love you
Darren Hayes: I want to sing 'mine' next time out
Robo_Wally: No more hair questions Autumn
Cherish: OMG
BarbT: geez can this go any slower.....
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): yeah well vegemite...thats another
Jen for ya
darrens_ep: Me too loves Maggz
*darrenstoes*: aww yeah please. i so wanted to hear that
obi1K: wow... why??? LOL
Jenni-aka-The Pres: Hi Darren
Darren Hayes: hair.... haven't thought about it.. shave it off!
Ginger: Darren, what do you think of Vancouver?
Elle: i love that one Darren
Teddy_Bear: just a twist in time... and all the chocolate in the world
is mine
Robo_Wally: mmmmmmmmmmmm chocolate...
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: LIKE ME
*vegemite*: grow a mullet darren
autumn: Sorry....
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: ALLLL OFFF
BarbT: wear a wig?
Maggz: lol
*darrenstoes*: lol beary
melspice: yay, bald Darren!
Cherish: OMG really?! that is my favourite song, Mine... my dream is to
hear you sing that live..... PLEASE sing it *faints* :D
Spinner: nooo green with purple stripes next
darrens_ep: Did anyone ask the DVD ?
Maggz: this is a faaaaaaaaast room now.
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): hehe yeah shave it off...go peter
garret style
obi1K: no.. u can do that
*darrenstoes*: lol weeee there it goes!!!
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: WOOOO HHOOOOO lets all be bald together!
Jenni-aka-The Pres: I reckon you should go for a mullet
*vegemite*: no kidding maggz, i am getting lost here lol
Nessie: C'mon Dazza, something about that screenplay!!!
ScorpioRising: lmao..i can't keep up lol
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Teddy_Bear: very fast lmao
Robo_Wally: lmtno
darrens_ep: Darren, when do we get the TCFC DVD ??
Darren Hayes: ok.. it's getting to busy for me to keep up .!
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): lol *waves* hey chelle
obi1K: my eyes are dancing.. LOL
Personal Message sent
Robo_Wally: *waves* back
Nessie: Wear your mullet cap...
Chicquita4dh: no mullet please, lol
Server: The chat is now in guest mode. Please submit any questions you
have for the guest
Tracey: Ok everyone
Tracey: we had to change to guest mode because of the size
Tracey: so you can still ask questions
Darren Hayes: So... the dvd.. I guess I'll talk about that on saturday
Darren Hayes: it's good
Tracey: Maggz asks "Darren.. my daughter Briony says hi and that she
loved the concert in Bristol and asks if you play The Sims/"
Darren Hayes: I don't know sims.. I've seen them I think in computer stores..
but never played..
Tracey: obi1K asks "did u happen to meet Michael Jackson and having
the chance.. would u take it?"
Darren Hayes: I feel that I will one day ... I love him and I think
we have a lot in common
Tracey: BarbT asks "What posters are on your wall?"
Darren Hayes: I've got a smithsonian institute poster from the star
wars exhibit... and some art..but no britney
Tracey: Cherish asks "whoa... hehe... so you just said you'd like
to sing Mine...which I love you for... would that have the same influence as before
with the strings etc... or a different feel?"
Darren Hayes: probably the same.. in some ways some new music I'm
writing has the same emotion so I'm relating to mine atm..
Tracey: Teddy_Bear asks "What's your favourite starbucks coffee?"
Darren Hayes: right now I'm not allowed to drink what I love.. which
is heavly caffeinated syrupy anything! now it's just drip decaf
Tracey: Chicquita4dh asks "what's the latest c/d you bought ??"
Darren Hayes: I bought goldfrappe
Darren Hayes: I love it
Tracey: Ms.Starbuckz asks "When will we see one of your crotch grabs
again Darren? "
Darren Hayes: I think they're gone..
Darren Hayes: I'm looking forward to changing again
Tracy: Minty asks "Have you ever had Reiki performed on you? Its very
relaxing. "
Tracey: Intellectual Breeze (Jen) asks "Darren, do you think that
San Fran will always be your home or sill you some day down the road come back
to Australia?"
Darren Hayes: I'd love to live in Australia again..
Tracey: Teddy_Bear asks "Oooh Darren... how is the Wallymeister going??
Getting into any mischief lately? *Smiles*"
Tracy: ScorpioRising asks "Hi there any one thing in
particular inspiring you musically atm?"
Darren Hayes: Wally is adorable.. ask the room about his distorted
self's hilarous..
Tracey: Nessie asks "I'm a big fan of Dawson's Creek and ages ago
Leo said that she's also obsessed with it... Sometimes it scares me cos Dawson
really reminds me of you. It's not just that your two names start with a D...
Do you know anyone in that production??"
Tracy: todariamu asks "what is your favourite sandwich filling?"
Darren Hayes: I"m really into new music... I love goldfrappe...
I love the new m record.. the peter gabriel record up
Darren Hayes: I don't know if I've ever seen Dawson's creek..sorry!
Tracey: Maggz asks "Who attracts more attention.. you or wally?"
Darren Hayes: the dubya
Tracy: Elle asks "what was your best pressie you got for your birthday"
Darren Hayes: the new ipod
Tracey: Ms.Starbuckz asks "What thing do you want right now?"
Darren Hayes: 8 hours sleep! I have been working hard in the studio
and then I can't switch off at night.. (ideas...)
Tracey: *vegemite* asks "Darren, what do you think of Jewel's music?
Darren Hayes: I'm not a huge fan but I don't mind it
Tracy: Nessie asks "My Mum wants to know who'll babysit Wally next
time you go on tour... or if she can do it. She desperately wants a dog! Hugs"
Darren Hayes: friends just bought a house with a yard
and he loves it there... so he'll be staying with them
Darren Hayes: I'll take him around the states when i can
Tracey: Julesy asks "darren, are you ever gonna come to wales for
your concerts. wales loves you. dont leave us out! "
Darren Hayes: well I'm sure I love wales too!
Tracy: jessebabes asks "What did you think of the eurovision song
Darren Hayes: I don't really know much about it.. apart from the
fact that abba won once.. in general I have a hard time equating music with competition
in general.. I don't think songs should be written to 'win'... they should be
Tracey: Minty asks "What's your favourite musical?"
Darren Hayes: little shop of horrors
Darren Hayes: rent
Darren Hayes: moulin rouge
Tracey: BarbT asks "do we dare mention the sg reunion stories, lol"
Darren Hayes: haha! you can mention it. All I can say is that there
are no plans at all for a reunion and you should be wary of the media especially
downunder sometimes!
Tracy: Teddy_Bear asks "Hey Darren.. *Waves* Was just wondering what
it's like to hear your songs on the radio when ur driving.. how do you react?"
Robo_Wally: *waves* back
Darren Hayes: I turn the station over if I'm with people because
it freaks me out.. the first time ever? I was screaming with joy
Tracey: Nessie asks "I have this really long question... You're talking
a lot about the concept of soulmates... I came across something very interesting
lately... The concept of soulmates is closely connected with that of platonic
love. Do you think it means it's impossible to find a soulmate who one feels sexually
attracted to?? Hugs 2 U"
Darren Hayes: what a great question.
Darren Hayes: god i hope so!!!!
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to darren hayes!
Darren Hayes: hehe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tracy: Maggz asks "What is it about San Fran that you love? Is there
any one thing that really stands out for you?"
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to darren hayes!
Darren Hayes: This city is magical. It has spirit and soul and heart
and I love it so much
Tracy: *darrenstoes* asks "have you seen Troy lateley? :D"
Darren Hayes: it's just very far away
Darren Hayes: Troy is coming to visit in a few weeks..snippity snip!
Tracey: *vegemite* asks "what colour is your toothbrush? lmao i cant
come up with a better question than that, sorry lol"
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Darren Hayes: actually he's just coming to say hey.. we all miss
him terribly.. he's such a great guy with a heart of gold
Darren Hayes: I have an electric toothbrush and it is white
Tracy: Nutsy asks "How's the dog training going?"
Darren Hayes: He has me completely trained now
Tracey: Darren's Pussycat asks "Have you ever thought about writing
a book?"
Darren Hayes: we argue. he barks at me in the street. he gets excited
when i put trousers on because he thinks that we're going for a walk... I have
never had someone cheer when I put my clothes ON.. but my dog does..
Tracey: em4daz asks "whats the best banner someone has ever help up
for u at a concert?!"
Darren Hayes: 'you're good enough'
Robo_Wally: Could I be good enough? Could I be good enough?
Tracey: Jenni-aka-The Pres asks "What are the chances of you recording
mini movie for the fanclub, singing happy birthday to us, whilst wearing nothing
a g-string *nudge nudge wink wink*"
Darren Hayes: it's being edited as we speak.. just airbrushing out
my hairy bum
Tracy: Darren's Skater asks "Hello Darren, I love the photo of you
ice skating. It's something I do a lot of. I'd love to know how you got on and
how many times you fell over! "
Darren Hayes: I don't have a hairy bum actually
Tracey: Elle asks "I have to ask you this but how many beanies do
you own lol"
Darren Hayes: well I have to say I almost killed my sister for putting
that on the internet!! hahah.. I thought she was taking family snap shots when
she was over here .. had I known... I would probably have pretended to be speed
Darren Hayes: elle.. too many
Tracy: Intellectual Breeze (Jen) asks "Darren, are you able to tell
us , for your next tour will you be sticking to the smaller more intimate venues
or moving back to the larger venues?"
Darren Hayes: I have a whole drawer full
Tracey: ScorpioRising asks "Would you like to write the music to a
movie soundtrack some day, and if yes, for what sort of film? "
Darren Hayes: I'll be moving back into stadiums and entire small
Darren Hayes: I'm kidding..
Darren Hayes: I'm sure it will start small..and go from there
Tracey: jessebabes asks "What do you think of Daniel Radcliffe?"
Darren Hayes: I'm always being asked to do music for films.. but
I can't imagine doing the score..I'd need to do songs..
Tracey: Jenni-aka-The Pres asks "If you could do anything else (work
wise), what would be and why?"
Darren Hayes: I don't know who mr radcliffe is
Darren Hayes: I'd be making films...not in them...but making them
Tracey: Bron asks "WHats the first thing you do when you wake up in
the morning?"
Darren Hayes: I go.. errrgh... then I do that thing where you check
your breath...
Tracy: linz asks "how can i encourage my little boy jordan whos six
to sing. i think he has a great voice."
Darren Hayes: then I look at myself in the mirror and go..whoa!
Darren Hayes: I think singing it a natural instinct.. he'll sing
if he feels like it... I'm trying to teach my dog and he's not very willing either
so I share your torment
Tracy: Darren's Skater asks "Darren, do you like riding rollercoasters?
If so, which one is the biggest you've been on?"
Darren Hayes: I don't love them.. but I can't chicken out.. so I
do em.. and then regret it..
Tracey: Cherish asks "oh I've been dying to ask this... I'm a HUGE
fan of Kirsten Dunst, and since she was in the IKILY vid with you... can you tell
me what she's like? "
Darren Hayes: I love the scooby doo ride at movie world in brisbane..
and space mountain..
Tracey: Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow asks "Have you had any other pets
than Obi and Wally?"
Darren Hayes: Kirsten is a fantastic human being. Can't say enough
lovely things about her. So talented and down to earth and very magical personality
Tracey: Minty asks "I heard you got accepted into a performing arts
college and I wanted to know which one.... WAPA? or NIDA? "
Tracy: Vickie asks "I have made some great friends through this chat
and many other people have, how does that make you feel, knowing that through
you great friendships have been made?"
Darren Hayes: yeah it starts with lots of dogs.. goes on to a couple
of kangaroos... a snake named dog and a dog named snake.. blah
I lived in a zoo growing up seriously.. we had pigs..sheep..horses.. everything
you can imagine. And guess who had to feed em all and pick up the poo?
Darren Hayes: Well vickie I hadn't thought about it but I'm happy
to take credit!
Darren Hayes: haha
Tracey: he is not exagerating!
Darren Hayes: Minty.. it was Kelvin Grove in Queensland. And I turned
it down for a girl. Who later dumped me! haha
Darren Hayes: good for her... and the movie business is eternally
Tracy: Darren's Pussycat asks "who does your washings?"
Darren Hayes: I try to avoid it. So I get whoever is visiting me
to do it. But me... if I can't bag someone else..
Tracey: Gwendoline asks "which celebraty you have met were you most
impressed with and why? "
Darren Hayes: um... I'm not really impressed so much as relieved
when they are normal.. ellen degeneres...bono..they rate highly in that regard
Darren Hayes: I was supposed to go to bed... but I love you guys
so much I'm unable to leave
Darren Hayes: can someone say suck up?
bug_face_uk: suck up
Darren Hayes: but I really should go...
Darren Hayes: will there be any questions left for Saturday?
Tracey: ok Darren thanks so much for dropping by
Darren Hayes: I'll give you all a topic... holy roman empire. Discuss.
Questions on saturday..
Tracey: oh there are still plenty left I would imagine
Tracey: LOL
Tracy: Lots of topics left for discussion hey guys!!!
Tracey: Good Night Darren!!
Darren Hayes: see you later!
Darren Hayes: xxx
Darren Hayes: Has left the chat
Tracy: Nite ..see ya
bug_face_uk: Ok guys... I'm going to switch it back to open chat... Which
may take a little while so be VERY patient as it has to send out user lists to
bug_face_uk: switching... now
Server: The chat is now in open chat mode.
autumn: Joins the chat
*darrenstoes*: yayyyy
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone autumn!
Jenni-aka-The Pres: jesus
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: YAYYYYYYYY
linz: OMG
Ms.Starbuckz: OMG!
Cherish: *giggle*
obi1K: not the oly roman empire! LOL
em4daz: OMG!!!!!111
obi1K: holy
*darrenstoes*: awww how cool was that!!!!!
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to em4daz!
Darren's Pussycat: that was great! :D
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to *darrenstoes*!
Darrens_Twitchy_eyebrow: *blurts out obsanitties*
Vickie: omfg!
Maggz: holdy moly how cool was that?!!!
Ms.Starbuckz: I do ROMAN HISTORY!
*darrenstoes*: yay brilaint
Darren's Skater: OMG!!!!!
darrens_ep: how come ???
Vickie: omg
Minty: Bug, this chat works soooo welll!
Cherish: he answered my Kiki question!! I am now complete :D
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): LOL Ema...hehe
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to darren's
Ms.Starbuckz: have loads quessies!
Vickie: omg
em4daz: omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
Jenni-aka-The Pres: i heard that syphilis was rife in the roman empire
Elle: omg how cool was thAT yayyyy
*vegemite*: Congrats to all that got their quessies answered!!!!!!!!!
Ms.Starbuckz: ???????????????
Spinner: Can I have my bath now
*darrenstoes*: did someone say TROY? lol
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to *vegemite*!
Cherish: did you seeeee that? lol
ShayneHaze: he didn't answer my question,
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to ms.starbuckz!
Vickie: omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jessebabes: i can't beleive he didn't know Daniel *acts so ashamed*
melspice: how fantastic was that?
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to vickie!
Ginger: Will that transcript be posted? Including the part b4 guestmode?
Ms.Starbuckz: Answered both mine!
Vickie: he answered me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maggz: thanks tracy and tracey for doing that and thank darren for us!
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to vickie!
em4daz: OMG!!!!!!!!
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): ROFLMAO...yes go have ur bath
obi1K: I can't take that and will be dismissed.. LOL
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to em4daz!
Robo_Wally: When the music feels like this
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Vickie: amazing!
Darren's Skater: What a lovely surprise!
Teddy_Bear: he answered all 3 of mine
em4daz: DARREN TALKED TO US!?!?!?!?
obi1K: Thanks guys!!!
*vegemite*: That was so AWESEOM!!! Thanks you trcay & tracey &
Cherish: Kiki *chokes* OK :D yay
sanna: damn i missed almost the whole thing!!!
Robo_Wally: And this year's award for over-punctuation goes to *vegemite*!
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): Sounds like wally is all very
excited too...lmao
Chicquita4dh: wow that has certainly made my day
spin *me: Joins the chat
Robo_Wally: lmtno
Darren's Pussycat: *back to do her washings*
*darrenstoes*: tHANKS tjt
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone spin *me!
Tracy: Yes we problems.
em4daz: 3?? i only got 2, and one of them wasn't asked
Vickie: thankyou travy, darren
*vegemite*: LOL Sam - loved the Kiki quessie~!~!
Ginger: Veg, I sent you pms
Nessie: Thanks T&T! And the master himself, of course!
Darren's Skater: Thanks so much Darrren!!!
ShayneHaze: I have to be up at 3:30am on Sunday now!
em4daz: THANK U TJT
linz: I totally wasted my first 2 coz i was so shocked!!
Intellectual Breeze (Jen): aww was lovely wasnt it...thanks
so much for the chat you guys