Darren Hayes has joined
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone Darren Hayes !
Server: Darren Hayes has left
obi1K: I'm on the jar
Server: Darren Hayes has joined
Server: Darren Hayes has left
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone Darren Hayes !
Server: Darren Hayes has joined
Robo_Wally: Welcome to the chat zone Darren Hayes !
Darren Hayes: no one can see what I'm typing now right? s**t,
Darren Hayes: haha
Robo_Wally: Stop swearing Darren Hayes, or you will be banned
bug_face_uk: lmao!
Maggz: lmao!
Robo_Wally: :d
Tracey: LOL
obi1K: be careful or wally's gonna kick ya
bug_face_uk: Don't swear Robo_Wally boot ya!
Maggz: that would be right you'll get banned!!!
obi1K: we can't do the chat cuz Darren swore too much.. ROFLMAO
Robo_Wally: :d
bug_face_uk: Right, are we ready to test the proper guest mode?
Darren Hayes: hardy hargh
Maggz: lol!
Darren Hayes: How are you all?
Tracey: hey bug
bug_face_uk: Yes Tracey?
Tracey: change to guest now?
Maggz: Good thanks hope you are good.
obi1K: fine... what about u?
Darren Hayes: really good..!
bug_face_uk: Bug is good thanks Darren, just pleased you were able to
log in at last!
Darren Hayes: Wally has a cold.. it's so funny. He's drugged (as
per the vet's orders..)
Darren Hayes: so he's really sleepy
bug_face_uk: Awwwww
Tracey: Hey Darren and welcome to the chat
Tracey: pooor wally
Darren Hayes: yeah it looks incredible bug.. the site.. all of
it.. i'm pretty impressed
bug_face_uk: Aww thanks Darren, it's a bit freaky and a lot exciting
having you using the tool!
Tracey: please ask question punters
Darren Hayes: I'm so boring that no one can think of a questions
bug_face_uk: lmao!
bug_face_uk: Can we get a couple more in here Tracey?
Tracey: obi1K asks "what's the weather like where you are?"
bug_face_uk: Give it a real test?
Darren Hayes: Well, Ema.. it's totally gorgeous.. insanely gorgeous..
summery and hot
Tracey: Maggz asks "Poor Wally hope he recovers soon.. he is beautiful
btw. Ummmmm question.. stupid one... is he easy to train"
Darren Hayes: He is impossible to train. He uses his attractiveness
to avoid all responsibility
bug_face_uk: Tracey, do we know anyone else who does that?
Tracey: more questions ladies please
Darren Hayes: laides! Hmf! How do bug and I feel about that?
Tracey: obi1K asks "why did u choose to call ur pup, Wally??? It
makes me giggle cuz my auntie has his name.. LOL"
Darren Hayes: I'm using icecream to avoid my attractiveness
bug_face_uk: lmao!
Darren Hayes: actually my brother has a dog of the same name (which
I completely forgot when I named W).... the truth is no name would fit.. the
name the owner had was 'duggie' and I hated that. So when he came home we tried
a bunch of different ones that didn't fit.. like 'chewie'.. and my friend actually
called him Wally as a test.. and it just fit
Darren Hayes: I'm drinkin' a soy latte
Darren Hayes: I get a double shotte
Tracey: strarbucks??
Darren Hayes: it goes right through my body and you know I'm satisfied
Tracey: Maggz asks "Lol!! Cute!! He look so unimpressed in all the
pictures but completely relaxed. Ok have you got yourself the new Gamboy Advance
Darren Hayes: no I haven't... I have an old one.. what's the diff?
Darren Hayes: btw wally is always uniimpressed with photos
bug_face_uk: The new one looks like a Star Trek (no sci-fi snobbery ;-))
Tracey: obi1K asks "gamboy.. also gamgirls? LOL"
Tracey: Hey bug
Tracey: darren isn't a trekkie
Darren Hayes: bug.. have they solved the visual difficulties..
ie.. it not being backlit?
Tracey: not like us
Darren Hayes: trekkies suck
Darren Hayes: haha
Darren Hayes: kidding!!
bug_face_uk: Yup it's back lit and has a rechargable battery, lasts about
10 hours, Maggz won't buy me one
bug_face_uk: lmao!
Darren Hayes: that's so cool
Darren Hayes: fyi.. i actually liked deep space nine and stng
Darren Hayes: just not the old stuff
Darren Hayes: i saw piccard once in a park in london
Darren Hayes: I wanted to approach him and say I'm a celebrity
Darren Hayes: but I realized I didn't know his 'real' name
bug_face_uk: Doh!
Darren Hayes: :)
Darren Hayes: just testing the smilies..
Darren Hayes: they need to invent a sneer
bug_face_uk: I'll ask a question... Why a Mac?
Darren Hayes: oh bug... first of all I"m a taurus
Darren Hayes: and I love decadence.. design and all things fine
bug_face_uk: Ahhhh!!!
bug_face_uk: Basically.....
Darren Hayes: haha
bug_face_uk: "Shiney!"
bug_face_uk: I have to agree they look amazing.... Do you have an iPod?
Darren Hayes: If you're going to spend zillions on a laptop, you
might as well have one that looks as good as your furniture I say...
Darren Hayes: I love the ipod..
Darren Hayes: all jokes aside I think mac is more simple.. it
is streamlined.. the graphics are incredible.. I just think it's wonderful design
bug_face_uk: It's great....
Tracey: Scarlet asks "Hello"
bug_face_uk: They look ace, but they are soooo hard to get stuff working
for! I love Mac OS X our Marketing Director has an iBook and it is lovely
Darren Hayes: I really haven't used a pc for five years probably
Darren Hayes: except when I'm in an internet cafe in zanzabar..
Darren Hayes: but that has never actually happened
bug_face_uk: lmao!
Darren Hayes: lmtno
bug_face_uk: lmtno?
Darren Hayes: (laughing my toe nail off)
bug_face_uk: Maggz says "eurgh!"
Tracey: ask questions people
Tracey: *~Alli~* asks "Hi Darren I heard that you were going to
do Moulin Rouge. . is this true.. if so wich role and WHY didn't you do it?"
bug_face_uk: Maggz says: It's not out yet, just been played once on MTV
last weekend.
Tracey: obi1K asks "so... how is Sf dealing with war and demonstration
for peace ?"
Darren Hayes: Hi Alli - you know that's a huge rumour that got
way out of hand. The truth is I met with Baz briefly when they were just writing
it.. as he was
meeting singers who could act.. all I knew was that it was a musical set in
paris.. I guess the role of Christian would have been what they were casting
but I never got a call back. Years and years passed and obviously they cast
Darren Hayes: Hey Ema.. initially the streets were disrupted and
there was a lot of violence (which I strongly dissagreed with)...
Darren Hayes: now it seems to have gone away
Darren Hayes: it was hardly a 'peaceful' demonstration
Tracey: free_spirit asks "How is Wally? got into any trouble lately
Tracey: ok everyone feel free to ask questions
Darren Hayes: Wally is sick but he's fine! He got 'kennel cough'
which is a pretty common virus they pick up at the dog park... basically he
has a doggie flu. . so he's all cuddly and medicated!! haha
Tracey: Elle asks "Any plans for your birthday"
Darren Hayes: Not really. This whole year is going pretty low
key which i love... was thinking about a little holiday.. but let's face it
... from what? The holiday I"m already on??
Tracey: Darrensenglishrose asks "Hi Darren.......hows your screenwriting
course going?"
Darren Hayes: Sorry I'm taking so long to respond.. the chat program
is fine.. I"m just a slowbie..
Darren Hayes: um.. the screenwriting is good... I'
Darren Hayes: I'm a third of the way through a scripts..
Darren Hayes: script singular that is..
Darren Hayes: I have no idea if I'll ever use it but it's been
a great exercise
Tracey: Darren's Pussycat asks "what does darren think about cats?"
Darren Hayes: I'm a dog man.. no offence kitties
Tracey: Beenie*Babe*Donna xxxx asks "OMG!!!! Hi darren!!!!!!! :-)"
Tracey: more questiosn please ladies
Darren Hayes: I'm TOTALLY allergic to them.. but they're kind
of cool aren't they? I'll never really know as I can't even be in the same room
without exploding into a fit of sneezes
Darren Hayes: OH MY GOD HI DONNA
Tracey: free_spirit asks "This is just so cool..!! Thanks for doing
this :)"
Tracey: *~Alli~* asks "if you were to write affirmation again...
what lines would you "edit" and why?"
Darren Hayes: I don't see a question in your sentence free spirit!!
Darren Hayes: but you're welcome
Darren Hayes: I wouldn't change a thing
Darren Hayes: I meant what I said when I said it
Tracey: ok lurkers please ask questions
Tracey: Darrensbigtoe asks "Darrens Stiff Thang (Rachel) asks would
u ever consider singing in a musical?"
bug_face_uk: Yes, I think we need a question from "Darren's Stiff
Thing"... Honest, that's her user nam
Darren Hayes: I would love to sing in a musical.. in a film would
be better I think.. the physical demand of broadway for example would probably
kill me..
Tracey: Darrensbigtoe asks "I went tio the Leicester concert and
I noticed on my photos that you hurt your hand..How did u manage that if u can
Darren Hayes: but it would be great
Darren Hayes: I probably cut it on the guitar
Tracey: obi1K asks "are u getting lots of inspirations to write
ur stuff during your sabatical???"
Darren Hayes: I'm in the very early stages of beginning my new
album. That's the funny thing about a 'break'.... very rarely do you stop and
do nothing.. I think I'd be completely bored .. so I did take from December
until very recently to live my life and now it's time to start tinkering away
in the studio a bit.
Tracey: Maggz asks "What was the last movie you saw and loved and
saw and hated?!"
Darren Hayes: saw and loved so many.. the hours especially.. I
haven't really seen one I've hated recently.... I saw one I was supposed to
hate 'view from the top' but actually loved
Tracey: *~Alli~* asks "lol Hey again Darren... any chance you'll
come to Canada to record your new album??? :P"
Darren Hayes: I doubt it! The thing about having a puppy is that
I'm going to try to spend as much time working at home until I absolutely have
to travel
Tracey: free_spirit asks "I know ..! So here goes.. Which room in
your house are you in..? You kind of caught us of guard so I don't have a really
good question for you.."
Darren Hayes: I do love Canada though and I can't believe my record
company didn't take me there for spin..
Darren Hayes: haha...I'm actually in the kitchen on my laptop
Tracey: Scarlet asks "Have you still only got one guitar? :) *knows
that's a lame question*"
Darren Hayes: I have three guitars and contrary to popular belief
I know more than four chords!
Darren Hayes: I'm actually writing most of my new music on piano
which is a change for me.
Tracey: Darrensenglishrose asks " you have any future plans
you can share with us yet? Julia says Hi"
Darren Hayes: There are lots of things in the works.. mainly just
new songs I"m writing.. but there are other things I can't talk about yet
Tracey: Darren's Pussycat asks "are you reading any book now?"
Darren Hayes: Sadly I"m not as I just bought a Tivo
Tracey: please submit some more questions ladies
Tracey: ok what is a tivo
bug_face_uk: It's ace!
Darren Hayes: it's some fancy piece of technology that lets you
record will and grace
Tracey: all the techno wizzards know about it!
Tracey: Darrensbigtoe asks "where's wally at this precise moment?"
Darren Hayes: Wally just ran into the room sliding on the wood
floor as he smells food... but can't quite allow for the lack of friction underneath
Tracey: obi1K asks "is there a quessie you would like to ask u and
if u were one of us what would ur answer be?"
Darren Hayes: Have you seen Gloria Estefan's hair lately
Tracey: Maggz asks "Ummm love the mullet cap btw... were you testing
out a new hairstyle? ;)"
Darren Hayes: That is the question I beg to be asked
Darren Hayes: Like Mr Jackson, the mullet cap is one of my many
disguises I wear when I want to slip into the real world unnoticed. Or I just
hang out at my local starbucks in a t-shirt and jeans in front of a poster of
spin and still nobody recognizes me
Tracey: Beenie*Babe*Donna xxxx asks "Darren, if you could have any
musicians in the world past or present to make up your backing band , who would
you chose?"
Darren Hayes: I'm a huge celbrity
Darren Hayes: I left out an 'e' in that word didn't I?
Darren Hayes: I was just saying this the other day.. I'd love
to get the edge and adam claton in the studio to do guitars and bass
Tracey: Ok I guess it is time to say goodbye to Darren now
Tracey: thank you so much for doing this for us Darrren
Darren Hayes: Thanks for helping out everyone.. see you in the
'real' chat...xD
Darren Hayes: I want to be remembered long after the chat...
Server: Darren Hayes has left