A bittersweet take on the masks and illusions within relationships --
the games we play and the emotions we hide. Originally the song was influenced
by Seal, but the sound soon changed during the recording process. Now
it is a hybrid of influences. If you listen closely you will hear string
arrangements like old Diana Ross & The Supremes records -- layered
amidst the throbbing bass and anchored by the almost dance beat.
It is a good live song, uhh... I don't actually recall writing it. For
some strange reason I can't remember writing this song. And it sort of
popped up in
the recording process and was a few people's favorite within our company
and Charles and the people that we were dealing with. And I just didn't
know where it came from, it came out of nowhere. But I did like the change
that it took in the recording session, with the eastern feel, the guitar
riffs and the intros, uhm... it was a sort of a technical thing and uhh...
one of the bottom e-strings was actually tuned to a d, uhm, I think accidentally
and it was actually... sounded like a little satany-like, umm, and it