That's a really uncool 80's greeting for hello. Many of our younger fans
won't see the cultural significance of that..but I do.
I'm sick :(
I think I've got some kind of virus that's making me sound like Demi Moore.
So I'm in New York and have had to cancel my day of press and t.v promotion
for the order to have a voice to sing with in two days time.
I'm sure I'll be's weird.. all over Europe I had bad hayfever
and now this. I think it's my body telling me to slow down and to be honest
I'm kind of glad because I'm being forced to relax here in my hotel room.
I'm trying to think of all the things I can do without speaking.
There's some fun'm going to get a massage.
And I'm going to see a movie by myself.
But you can imagine that it's KILLING ME not talking.
The rest of the band have all flown on the Augusta for rehearsals and
here I am in my little self imposed prison (well, first class five star
Manhattan style...heheheh).
I had a great time in London. Party in the park for us was
was 100,000 people and our sound did NOT mess up (unlike many acts
heart goes out to poor Kylie and the Bsboys who's sound desks blew up
mid performance..but they handled it like true professionals...). Don't
worry btw...I've got a really cool voice doctor here in NYC and before
you know it..I'll be singing O Sole Mio again.
Oh...I think we changed our idea for the Hold Me vid now. In America it's
going to be a live one like the European Affirmation vid. I'm kinda excited
about that. If we release Hold Me in Europe we'll probably shoot that
idea I mentioned previously. Alright..all this typing is subconsciously
hurting my voice so I'm outta here..!
Take care..