Hey there..
Well...call it fan pressure, the fact that it exploded in the uk or that
we are performing it in the closing ceremonies of the Olympics this year...
but we are changing our single in America...literally a week before Hold
Me was due to go to radio - we've switched to AFFIRMATION.
And I have to tell you.... I'M SOOOOO GLAD!
Hold Me was never really my first choice and I've been dying to have an
uptempo track at radio... and here it is.
Stand by for more details but that's the skinny to date.
Now all we have to do is get CHAINED TO YOU out there AFTER this one.
Anyone for Chained as the next single in the Uk? hehehehehe
say that our BOSTON show was one of the best of my career.
Incredible vibe.
Great audience.
Magical night.
Big Hug