Hey everybody...
I hope you're doing ok considering the mass confusion and news that has
been dropped today regarding the break up of Savage Garden. I just wanted
to say that obviously this
interview was released a lot earlier than I or anyone had anticipated
and of course we were planning to release a press release and break it
to you, the fans..before anyone else.I've been in the u.s shooting the
video for What's Goin' On and doing advance press for my solo album.As
part of that I did an interview yesterday with an Australian Journalist
Cameron Adams and answered truthfully to the question "has savage garden
broken up"Contrary to what you may have heard, although Daniel or myself
didn't expect this news story to break TODAY... we did know for a very
long time that the future of the band was in question. After speaking
to Daniel today I have learned that while we were sleeping in the u.s,
the journalist I spoke to was emailing Australia with my comments...and
consequently confronting Daniel about it practically the minute he jumped
out of bed. He was thankfully very protective of me and had no idea the
actual story had been printed yet. As I stated, Daniel did in fact leave
the band prior to the Affirmation release and it was a shock and a difficult
time for me and I imagine him. But I love him and stood by him and took
on the public role, defending questions about the bands' future which
was at that stage vague at best. The world tour was a time for me to be
strong and stand on my feet and imagine life after Savage Garden... it
was tough and no, I did not want it to end. This time confirmed our seperate
journeys and we both talked fondly of our experiences together and the
what the future may bring with our respective careers.I love and respect
Daniel Jones very much and when your buddy tells you they're just not
happy.. you have to stand by them.The news today has been a shock for
us because of how quickly it came. I would liked to have given you, my
friends and family advance notice before it became the scandal that it
seems.I'm often naive to my honesty and innocence when it comes to giving
interviews.. I was under the impression that this particular interview
would go to print in a few weeks..giving us all time to talk about it
(Daniel included). I guess I didn't realize how huge a story it would
become and that even the best behaved journo could'nt keep a story like
this under wraps for long.
I spoke to Daniel on my plane trip back from L.A to San Fran today and
we kind of marvelled over how much of a frenzy one trigger happy journalist
has sparked.
Please understand that I have the utmost respect for Daniel, his abilities
and his future
prospects and although I would never have imagined it years ago... our
lives are going on and are the happiest they have ever been.There is no
animosity and more than anything we thank you for your years of love and
There will be an official press release soon.
Take care
with love