Recording at home has a few down sides. Mostly technical. Because I wanted to keep the whole thing intimate I didnt want to go into a huge studio with a huge producer. Thats all well and good but it did take us two days to work out that the reason my voice sounded so terrible this week was because I was singing into the wrong side of the mic. That was kinda frustrating and a blow to the ego but a relief that I hadnt lost the ability to sing (the conclusion I immediately jumped to) So yeah, I have found myself on more than a few occasions thinking my how things have changed!... and 'gawd I wish we had an engineer!' But jokes aside I cant imagine making this record any other way. The up side to doing most of this in a home studio (a bedroom really) are endless. More than anything Ive had so much time to experiment and make this record in a bubble free of expectation. Right now Im not trying to please anyone. Just myself. To be honest, most of this record started off as a side project. I thought I was making this really obscure, dark, and indulgent confessional record under a fake name. Then I realized I was making the right record for me and I didnt want it to just slip out there and not be associated with the changes and evolution that I feel in my life. Im going to do it in two halves. The first part will be here at smuglab.. the home studio Ive put together in a house in Marin.. and part two will be in London with a few people Ive been threatening to work with for years. Its going to be terrifying but so satisfying. All of the co-producers I'm working with are radical. Even the mix engineer I've chosen is an obscure choice, but it feels so right to me. It may be a little bit of a departure for some people to swallow but I got to the point with music that I thought I almost couldnt breathe anymore if I had to keep all of these feelings and musical ideas under my skin. I'm also so bored with 'pop' music. Whatever that means. Bored with myself. Bored with genre. I wanted to walk away from this project knowing Ive pushed myself lyrically and musically. Wanted to walk away from the record making something that I'm proud of whether it's considered 'commercial' or not. These days, I think that real is the most important quality. So far so good. |